It is very common on web forms that a page is desired to submit its form when a user presses the Enter key while the focus in a certain or any text box. This is typically done using JavaScript. I want to share how it's done as it can be very useful. In essence all that is done is that every time a user presses a key, a JavaScript code checks if the key pressed is the Enter key. If so it submits the form to the server, otherwise it does nothing. The following is a snippet of the code would look like:
On the JavaScript side
function enter_submit(pevent)
if(window.event) //Internet Explorer
if(myEvent.keyCode == 13) //check enter was pressed
//or __doPostBack("",'');
else if(pevent.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
var pressed = pevent.which;
if(pressed == 13)
//or __doPostBack('','');
On the HTML or ASP .NET side
<asp:Textbox ID="txtPassword" runat="server" onkeypress="javascript:enter_submit(event);/>
<input id="inPassword" type="password" onkeypress="enter_submit(event);"/>
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