Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blackle - Make Google Black

Google recently dimmed its lights observing the Earth Hour. Whether using a black background conserves energy or not is debatable and depends on the type of monitor that is used. One attempt at saving energy by dimming the background on one of the most popular pages online is Blackle. Blackle was developed by Heap Media, a company based in Sydney, Australia and founded in 2005. Heap Media "is committed to developing and growing leading online services with global reach."

Search Google in Black

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server Resources

I was looking online for Sharepoint information and training material and here are some excellent resources I found:

Free Sharepoint 2007 Server Courses by Microsoft
Some of these course are very basic and are meant for general users not developers. For example, some of them teach the user how to upload or save a file directly from Word/Excel/Powerpoint to a Sharepoint server.

Sharepoint desktop training download.

Sharepoint standalone and server training download

Sharepoing server home page

Sharepoint 2007 Server help page

Sharepoint Server 2007 Virtual PC Harddrive Image
This image runs a Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition machine. The virtual machine is for evaluation purposes and will expire after 30 days. You can login to the image using the following creditentials:
Username: Administrator
Password: pass@word1

Sharepoint Server 2007 Virtual PC Harddrive Image with Instructions and Walkthrough
This image has been expired but can still be used for an hour each time the virtual machine is started.

Let me know if you find this of help.